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Beethoven's Fifth for Easy Piano - Play and Learn™ Edition
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Pages: 7
Learn about the life and music of Ludwig van Beethoven. Get a premium piano arrangement, biography, and three activity worksheets.
Beethoven's Fifth (Symphony) for Easy/Level 2 Piano Solo (1 Page)
Hey Kid's, Meet Ludwig van Beethoven Biography
Ludwig van Beethoven Word Search Worksheet
Meet the Composer Job Application
Composer Coloring Page
The composer word search is designed to build reading skills. Instead of including the search words on the worksheet, students are challenged to identify keywords in the composer biography. The words that define the life and achievements of the composer are the search words. The search words are included on the "About" page if you get stuck.
Students fill this job application out for the composer, including all the facts they have learned while reading the composer biography.
Want to introduce kids to recordings of composer masterworks? Give them a coloring page and crayons, and start the CD. They'll be focused and happy the whole time.
Interested in just playing the music? We've got Beethoven's Fifth for Easy Piano Solo too.
Unlimited copies for you and your students. However, you may not distribute additional copies to friends and fellow teachers.
Ludwig van Beethoven was born in Bonn, Germany in 1770, to Johann van Beethoven and Maria Magdalena Keverich. Although Beethoven's exact birth date is not known, his family celebrated it on December 16. Beethoven's first music instruction came from his father Johann who was said to have been a harsh instructor. Johann later asked his friend, Tobias Pfeiffer, to teach young Beethoven. Although, it seems that the harsh treatment continued, as Johann and his friend would come home late on occasion to pull young Ludwig from his bed to practice until morning. Read more...
Joyful, joyful, we adore Thee,
God of glory, Lord of love;
Hearts unfold like flowers before Thee,
Opening to the sun above.
Melt the clouds of sin and sadness;
Drive the dark of doubt away;
Giver of immortal gladness,
Fill us with the light of day!
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