from the MMF Music Library
Looking for the lyrics, history, origins or parodies for one of your favorite kids songs or rhymes? The MMF Songbook includes the lyrics to over 700 of the most loved children's songs and nursery rhymes from around the world.
Action Songs and Rhymes
Animal Songs and Rhymes
International Songs and Rhymes
Bible Songs and Hymns
Christmas, Easter, and Patriotic Kids Songs
Folksongs for Kids
Lullaby Songs and Rhymes
Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes for Kids
Playtime Rhymes
Silly Songs and Rhymes
Traditional Kids Songs and Rhymes
Do you want to learn the chords to a song on the guitar? Check out the Beginner Guitar Chords for Popular Kids Songs and Nursery Rhymes index for many of your favorite songs.
Beginner Guitar Chords | Popular Kids Songs and Nursery Rhymes
Some of the songs in our collection are also available as free printable lead sheets, including music, lyrics, and chords. Visit the MMF Songbook Sheet Music Index to check them out.
Are we missing the lyrics to one of your favorite children's songs? Just send us an email with the name of the song and the lyrics and we'll consider including it. Thanks!