Punchinello | Lyrics

from the MMF Songbook

Lyrics for 'Punchinello'

What can you do,
Punchinello, funny fellow?
What can you do,
Punchinello, funny you?

We can do it, too,
Punchinello, funny fellow,
We can do it, too,
Punchinello, funny you!

You choose one of us,
Punchinello, funny fellow,
You choose one of us,
Punchinello, funny you!

Actions for 'Punchinello'

Children stand in a circle. One child stands in the center as Punchinello.

Verse 1 - Punchinello makes motions while other children sing.
Verse 2 - Children forming the circle around Punchinello imitate motions.
Verse 3 - Punchinello chooses someone to take his/her place.

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