Pass That Shoe | Lyrics

from the MMF Songbook

Pass That Shoe is an MMF original. Play the passing game with the kids in your neighborhood or music classroom. The free sheet music for Pass That Shoe is included below.

Lyrics for 'Pass That Shoe'

I'll pass this old shoe right on by.
You look at me and you won-der, "Why?"
To think of this shoe make me grin,
'Cause I know where this old shoes' been.

Game for 'Pass That Shoe'

1) Children sit in a circle.
2) Children pass an old shoe to a steady beat as they sing.
3) The child with the shoe in front of them when you reach the end of the song is "Out."
4) Continue until only one child remains and declare them the winner.

© 2012

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Pass That Shoe Free Sheet Music (Music, Lyrics and Chords)

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