Little Peter Rabbit | Lyrics

from the MMF Songbook

Tune: Battle Hymn of the Republic

Lyrics for 'Little Peter Rabbit'

Little Peter Rabbit had a fly upon his ear,
Little Peter Rabbit had a fly upon his ear,
Little Peter Rabbit had a fly upon his ear,
And he flicked it till it flew away!

Little Peter ____ had a fly upon his ear,
Little Peter ____ had a fly upon his ear,
Little Peter ____ had a fly upon his ear,
And he flicked it till it flew away!

Little Peter ____ had a ____ upon his ear,
Little Peter ____ had a ____ upon his ear,
Little Peter ____ had a ____ upon his ear,
And he flicked it till it flew away!

Little Peter ____ had a ____ upon his ____,
Little Peter ____ had a ____ upon his ____,
Little Peter ____ had a ____ upon his ____,
And he flicked it till it flew away!

Actions for 'Little Peter Rabbit'

Verse 2 - Don't sing "Rabbit" - Substitute Action
Verse 3 - Don't sing "Rabbit" or "Fly" - Substitute Action
Verse 4 - Don't sing "Rabbit", "Fly" or "Ear" - Substitute Action

"Rabbit" - Make rabbit ears with hands
"Fly" and "Flew" - Fingers fly away
"Ear" - Point at ear
"Flick" - Flick ear

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