I Had A Little Hen | Mother Goose Nursery Rhyme

from the MMF Songbook

History for 'I Had A Little Hen'

I Had A Little Hen is a Mother Goose nursery rhyme.

Lyrics for 'I Had A Little Hen'

I had a little hen, the prettiest ever seen,
She washed me the dishes, and kept the house clean:
She went to the mill to fetch me some flour,
She brought it home in less than an hour;
She baked me my bread, she brew'd me my ale,
She sat by the fire and told many a fine tale.

Alternate version of 'I Had A Little Hen'

The follow version substitutes wife for hen, and is published in Harry's Ladder to Learning (1850).

I had a little wife, the prettiest ever seen,
She wash'd all the dishes and kept the house clean;
She went to the mill to fetch me some flour,
She brought it home safe in less than half an hour;
She baked me my bread, she brew'd me my ale,
She sat by the fire and told a fine tale.

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