One went for a swim, then there were four.
(First frog leaps and pretends to swim off)
Four little froggies looked out to sea,
(Hand on brow pretending to look out to sea)
One went swimming, and then there were three.
(Second frog leaps and pretends to swim off)
Three little froggies said "What can we do?"
(Arms and palms up)
One jumped in the water, then there were two.
(Third frog leaps and pretends to swim off)
Two little froggies sat in the sun,
(Pretend to wipe perspiration from forehead)
One swam off, and then there was one.
(Fourth frog leaps and pretends to swim off)
One little froggie said "This is no fun!",
(Wearing a frown)
He dived in the water, and then there were none!
(Fifth frog leaps and pretends to swim off)
Nothin' yet.