MMF Summer Stars Online Music Festival | FAQ's

from the Private Teacher Index

Thank you for your interest in participating in the 5th Annual Summer Stars Online Music Festival (June 1st-July 31st).

Below you'll find all the details about how to join in the fun, including:

Entry Fee
Repertoire Requirements
Solo Divisions
Student Awards/Showcase

Visit the MMF! Summer Stars Music Festival Showcase page to view the video performances of all participating students.

Want to keep up to date with everything that's happening? Sign-up to receive the MMF! Newsletter.


1) The festival is open to piano student ages 6-12, voice students ages 9-12, and woodwind, brass, strings, percussion students ages 11-12 at the time they record their video performance.
2) Students must have studied for one year prior to application.
3) Students must be currently studying with a private teacher.

Repertoire Requirements

1) Students may submit a video performance of one piece not exceeding 5 minutes in length.
2) Musical selections are limited to music from the MMF! Sheet Music Index, graded lesson books, classical music collections, folk music, Disney, Broadway, and movie music.
3) Photocopies of music selection with numbered measures must be included with student application.
4) No musical selection may be changed after the application has been mailed.
5) Music may be memorized, though it is not required.

Entry Fee

We're doing our best to keep our entry fee affordable so everyone can participate. Your entry fee will cover the cost of adjudicators, prizes, postage, etc.

Entry Fee for All Divisions: $20 USD per Student

USA students may send checks or money orders. International students are required to include a US currency money order with their application.

Solo Divisions

Our mission has always been to build elementary age kids up in positive ways and enrich their lives with an appreciation for music and learning. The MMF! Summer Stars Online Music Festival is yet another resource that we've developed to serve these young musicians. The following solo divisions will allow our adjudicators to easily assess student progress, while also allowing students to find inspiration when comparing their skills to other young musicians within their division.

1) Beginning Elementary Piano (Ages 6-8)
2) Intermediate Elementary Piano and Voice (Ages 9-10)
3) Advanced Elementary Piano, Woodwind, Brass, Strings, Percussion and Voice (Ages 11-12)


Interested in participating? Begin by printing a MMF! Summer Stars 2016 Festival Registration Packet. Please take the time to review and complete each step. Incomplete information may result in the disqualification of the student.


Student video performances will be adjudicated by one or more professional music teachers. Helpful tips will be offered for improving each students performance, along with praise for the things they are doing well.

Using a 100 point system, each performance will be evaluated with the following criteria:

1) Accuracy (20 Points)
2) Interpretation (20 Points)
3) Technique (20 Points)
4) Musicianship (20 Points)
5) Overall Performance (20 Points)

The total number of points awarded by the adjudicator will determine their level of achievement. Because this festival is all about building students up, no student will receive less than 70 points.

Four Distinctions of Achievement

Superior/Shining Star | The Highest Standard with Strong Preparation, Style and Accuracy (3 Stand Out Performances from Each Division Will Be Selected)

Superior (90-100 Points) Strong Preparation, Style and Accuracy

Excellent (80-89 Points) Strong Preparation, but with More Flaws

Good Effort (70-79 Points) Average Preparation

Participant Stats

The number of students at each level of achievement will be tallied, and provided in the MMF! Summer Stars Music Festival Showcase.


Superior (90-100 Points) - 75 Students

Excellent (80-89 Points) - 54 Students

Good Effort (70-79 Points) - 10 Students

Student Awards Showcase

All participating students will be included in the MMF! Summer Stars Music Festival Showcase, and will receive an award certificate. The award certificate and completed adjudication form will be mailed at the conclusion of the festival. Shining Stars and Top Practicer will receive a trophy and a $25 Visa gift card.

MMF! Summer Stars Music Award Certificate

Superior (90-100 Points)
Excellent (80-89 Points)
Good Effort (70-79 Points)
Top Practicer (80-100 Points)

Adjudicators will select three (3) students from each solo division to be named "Shining Stars" and one "Top Practicer" from all divisions. These 10 students will be highlighted in the MMF! Summer Stars Music Festival Showcase, receive a music award certificate, and receive a $25 Visa gift card.

Results will be announced in the August 2015 MMF! Newsletter. Prizes will be shipped within two weeks of the end of the festival on July 31st, 2016.

Previous Winners

Want to check out a couple videos of participants from previous years? Here are two of our "Shining Stars."


"I love your online festival idea because it is very NON threatening and that's what the kids really like about it too." - Sarah M.

"Thank you MMF! My son always enjoys the extra motivation." - Selina H.

"Thanks for hosting this every year! It's a great low-stress opportunity for students!" Dawn I.

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