Three Little Monkeys | Lyrics and Actions

from the MMF Songbook

Lyrics for 'Three Little Monkeys'

Three little monkeys
Swinging in a tree
Teasing Mister Alligator,
Can't catch me, can't catch me.
Along comes Mister Alligator,
Quiet as can be
And SNAPS that monkey
Right out of that tree!

Two little monkeys
Swinging in a tree
Teasing Mister Alligator,
Can't catch me, can't catch me.
Along comes Mister Alligator,
Quiet as can be
And SNAPS that monkey
Right out of that tree!

One little monkey
Swinging in a tree
Teasing Mister Alligator,
Can't catch me, can't catch me.
Along comes Mister Alligator,
Quiet as can be
And SNAPS that monkey
Right out of that tree!

Actions for 'Three Little Monkeys'

Ask the children to hold their arms outstretched in front of them to form the jaws of Mister Alligator. Each time they sing 'SNAP' they should bring their arms and hands together with a loud clap.

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